Wednesday, May 27, 2009

BoA 2

This will be my 2nd entry on BoA. Previous entry can be found by clicking here.

After waiting for 2 months, I finally get my hands on BoA's new album "Best & USA".

First impression: Feeling weird because of the Japanese songs. I haven't heard any 日本歌 from last year ever since my friend introduced me to the Korean wave. Frankly speaking, most of the Japanese songs were not that interesting, except for a few. On the other hand, her USA debut songs were fine. She's the 1st Korean to hit USA like that, what you expect?!

27 songs

Anyway, I have yet to finish listen to all the songs. So don't take my remarks seriously. I'll update sometime later.

I miss Garden In The Air

And have I posted this before?

Tiffany and Jessica's take on Garden In The Air

I'm still waiting for 소녀시대 new single. Till then, see ya. Thanks for all the comments and advices.

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