Saturday, January 2, 2010

An impromptu party

As mentioned in this entry, my friends and I held a rather random party out of the blue without much planning. And boy it was successful!

Late lunch at Teh's,

Boss Teh pan mee.

(left) Teh serving us, (right) Smoking area.

(left) Welcoming stances, (right) Discussing about the night.

The arrivals. (Click to enlarge.)

Boss demonstration of fire perfection. (Click to enlarge.)

The ambient,

(left) Acting, (right) Preparing more dogs to barbecue.

No, he's not drunk.

(Click to enlarge.)

We are barbecuing more for others.

Bacon strips. (Click to enlarge.)

(left) The new-found delight, (right) The chef, Adrian.

Miniature bacon patty burger. (Click to enlarge.)
After much eating they all plan to have a cars shoot out as it's the first time ever for us all to gather over a long period of time. All parked their cars and here it is,

Testing shot in manual mode.

Shots done in night mode. (Click to enlarge.)
Half of us went home while some stayed for the night,

Having poker in half-dozed condition.

Cards and chips. (Click to enlarge.)

Somewhat depressed condition.

We all then went out at 3.35am.

Also covered by Club Wooters@New year eve party 2009/2010. Credits to MaknWenni, Teh and Shukri for the photos.

1 comment:

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp said...

happy new year n nice to meet u ;-)