Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour 2011 - Aftermath

Continuing from previous post. This year, I can see that there is not much participation from the people living in the area around my house. I wonder if it is the same with other areas in Malaysia. In the 2 years back, I celebrate Earth Hour together with my parents by watching the TV in the dark. 

This year, my parents went out for celebratory dinner at 7:30 PM while I went out to run at the same time. It's a challenge I made to myself; run 8km within 56mins for this Earth Hour. And I did it in 51mins, what a feat for a beginner like me! I reached home in time to switch off everything (except 2 of the fridges, a ceiling fan for me to cool down and the water boiler). In the dark, I noticed that the night is kind of bright, not pitch black. Well the reason is rather simple, not many people switch off their lights. Can't blame my neighbours, there are many children and it's hard to take care of them especially in the dark. Here's a picture I nicked from the local newspaper;

Malaysia's landmarks KL Tower (left) and KLCC (right). Source.

I guess the hype faded among the citizens in Kuala Lumpur. Typical of Malaysian, only like stuff that's hot. People, please practice switching off non-essential electrical appliances on a daily basis. It helps :)

Till then, have a happy day and good bye.

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